This exciting video game is based on the Amazon book by Legesse Allyn, "The Women Who Invented Writing and Ancient Egyptian Civilization." Your goal is to farm and guard the farming region from thieves, in order to store harvested grain in the granary for selling to Nile Valley merchants, who come in their ships to pick up the loads of grain to ship back to the Nile Valley markets.
How to Play the Video Game
A. SOLDIERS (Torenya)
Click on soldiers to command them. Click on a soldier (brown sprite with spear) + "Guard the farm" to command them to stop the thieves (white sprites) trying to steal the grain. Click on the bow/arrow to hire more soldiers (deducts 20 units of grain).
Click on farm employees to command them. Click on a farm worker (brown sprite without spear) + "Send a message" to command it to deliver a message for a merchant to come pick up loads of grain. Receive sales points when the merchant ship sails away with the loads. Click on the farming plow to hire more farm e mployees (deducts 15 units of grain).
Click on farm employees to command them to take messages to Nile Valley merchants. As ships sail away with the grain they purchased, points are added to the sales score. You will utilize these sales points in other levels of the game.
• Re-enact the events of Queen Mirtnesh (aka "Neith") from 3100BC and her development of ancient Egypt's large-scale farming in the Dead Sea region of Lower Egypt, referred to in the 196BC Rosetta Stone as the "Tisha."
• Farm and guard the farming region from thieves
• Store harvested grain in the granary for selling to Nile Valley merchants
• Merchants come in their ships to pick up the loads of grain to ship back to the Nile Valley markets
• Easy to command farm workers and soldiers by touching or clicking on each you want to command, from the available commands on the control panel
• Command soldiers to stop the thieves trying to steal the grain
• Command farm workers to take written messages merchants, inviting them to come and pickup loads for purchase
• As ships sail away with loads of grain they purchased, points are added to the sales score
• Sales points will be used in other levels of the game
• Learn real ancient Egyptian words
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